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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to have a Pre-Op Completed?

Yes! All patients are required to have a preop within 30 days of the date of your procedure. Without this, your procedure will be rescheduled.

Please make sure you have also informed us if you are followed by any specialists: cardiology, etc.

Can I take Uber/Lyft or a Taxi home?

No. For safety reasons, we cannot allow you to take a ride share home, and you absolutely CANNOT drive yourself home.

My Instruction Packet has two times listed on it, why is that?

We list your procedure time as well as your arrival time. It is necessary for you to arrive at the Endoscopy Center One hour and Fifteen minutes prior to your actual procedure time so you may complete any paperwork and the nurse can get you prepped for your procedure.

What should I bring with me on the day of my procedure?

You should bring your photo ID, insurance cards, a list of all medications and supplements that you take, your copay (if applicable), and a responsible driver to drive you home.

Can I eat before I take my prep?

The day before your colonoscopy, you 

should be on clear liquids!!

Clear liquids include things like water, clear broth, tea, coffee (without Creamer), sports drinks, gelatin, and popsicles.  Please make sure to avoid liquids that contain red, blue, or purple coloring!

Do I really have to wake up in the middle of the night to drink the second bottle of my prep?

Yes, the physicians have organized the times so that you are the most cleaned out for your procedure. Please follow the times as closely as possible for the best outcome.

If my stool is coming out clear after drinking the first bottle of prep, do I need to take the second bottle?

Absolutely! If you do not take all of the prep, there is a possibility that you will not be cleaned out enough for the physician to complete the procedure.

Can I drink before my procedure?

We want you to be hydrated and we encourage you to drink clear liquids, but, you MUST STOP drinking 3 hours prior to your arrival time. If you do not stop drinking liquids 3 hours prior to your arrival, your procedure could be pushed back several hours.

What if I have questions about the medications I take?

Please visit our "Keeping You Safe" Tab!

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To Schedule An Appointment

Call 410-296-4415​

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